Wow, I had a wild dream that had so much meaning I just had to share it with you! The message is really profound and truly what I needed to hear and I know it will be a great message for you as well.
In the dream, there was a very large dragon made out of metal. It towered over me, like 3 stories high and I knew I had to climb it. Yikes!
The dragon’s back was like a metal ladder with white linen attached to it moving with the wind. Each level of the ladder had a message about life written on the cloth.
I wanted to climb fast, to get all the advice I could get as fast I could but I needed to go slowly or I’d crash and burn, literally!
The dragon kept moving like all dragons do…and yet, I was able to grab ahold and begin climbing it one metal bar at a time.
It was scary. I kept taking deep breaths as I moved up little by little onto it’s back.
The bars were not very secure and would move as I touched them. I held on tightly as I read the message on the material and grabbed for the next prong. And I climbed and climbed learning to master the dragon and then I woke up.
So what did this mean to me and why do I think it’s for you?
The message(s) in reference to LOVE:
- Take one step at a time as you welcome Next Level Love in.
- Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your love life needs time and nurturing to evolve too.
- Each relationship in life has a life lesson. Sometimes we don’t know what it is until we reflect back.
- You can’t go too quickly or you will crash and burn.
- You may not know what’s coming up next but you must find the courage to take the leap toward love even when it’s scary because it’s what you desire.
- Without taking the risk, you risk regret and being alone.
- You need to want it which propels you forward. And it doesn’t have to be at a fast pace. Slow and steady…
- Go the distance.
- Trust all will be revealed in time.
- Breathe!!!
Wow, right?
Being with someone in relationship is like a plant. It needs watering(nurturing), patience, and lots of love. Taking steps consciously, slowly and trusting all will be revealed in time, that’s such a potent message, don’t you think?
It’s easy to put a lot of stress on yourself to move quickly and sink deeply into a relationship. Especially if you’re feeling time ticking and you’re feeling alone and looking for more fulfillment.
Time is ticking and having what I call Next Level Love, a love where you can relax and just be you and you’re more than enough…and be accepted and adored just as you are, it can be just around the corner for you.
In fact, for the women 50+ Years Young have you joined my Facebook tribe called Find Fabulous Love after 50?
Much love to you, Junie