supporting you to
supporting you to
In my second half of life…
But once upon a time…
I was married to a very selfish man with a spicy temper. I stayed in that relationship for 20 years! I was scared to make waves so I walked on eggshells, afraid to stand up for myself or ask for my needs to be met. I had knots in my stomach on a regular basis. I ate so much in an attempt to self-soothe that I ended up at my highest weight ever: 200 pounds. I was miserable.
I tried for years to make it work. I hoped for healing. I pleaded with him to get the support we needed, but he wasn’t having any of it. He said I was the problem and wouldn’t take any responsibility. With that, I finally left him.

And I started over…
I read the dating books, listened to my single friends on how to date, and did some personal growth workshops. I thought I was ready for a different kind of love…

But I ended up with another man very similar to my ex-husband. Once again I was walking on eggshells, not getting my needs met, thinking everything was my fault and not expressing myself. Those dang co-dependent patterns were so pervasive!

I knew I needed to make a change. I never wanted to find myself in that kind of relationship again. I was done being codependent. I was done being silent. I was done jumping through other people’s hoops to feel worthy of love and safe.

And so I did something different. I broke it off with him and took time to heal the old codependent patterns that kept me attracting the same kind of relationships.

I also invested in working with a relationship mentor. I had some blind spots that only a mentor could help me dissolve. Doing the deep Shadow Work® with her helped me lower the volume of my inner negative thinking and see myself more clearly. I began to truly love myself.
My mentor also helped me get my voice back so that I could ask for what I wanted without feeling guilty or ashamed. I also learned how to date successfully so I wasn’t wasting anymore time looking for my soulmate.
Getting support and being willing to do this deeper work allowed me to heal the past and create a new life full of Next Level Love.
It’s my absolute joy to support women in becoming their own soulmates which allows them to receive their Next Level Love experience with a soulmate.
Now, as a Love Coach and Women’s Empowerment Leader, I do what I do…
Because once I was able to heal my old, toxic relationship patterns and experience Next Level Love, I knew I had to share what I learned with other amazing women who are in their second half of life.
I’ve developed a step by step process to help women unpack the past and truly let it go so they can know their own worth. It’s my absolute joy to support women in becoming their own soulmates which allows them to receive their Next Level Love experience with a soulmate.

Living the dream…
Junie Moon, CEO of Midlife Love Out Loud, a Global Love Mentor, Best-selling Author, Women’s Empowerment Leader, and Certified Shadow Work® Coach, has supported thousands of women over the past 30 years to claim what is their birthright: the freedom to be and love themselves without apology. When women experience this freedom to love themselves without apology, they attract life-long Next Level Love and experience an extraordinary second half of life.
Using her unique heart-centered dating strategies, coupled with powerful mindset tools, Junie helps women in midlife to magnetize their ideal partner and experience Next Level Love. Along the way, women embrace this precious stage of life with confidence, playfulness and ease.
Junie has been seen on News 12 New Jersey, Blog Talk Radio, Authority Magazine, Thrive Global and in the Newark International with her film Shed the Shame that she produced and starred in. She’s also the International Bestselling author of Loving The Whole Package: Shed The Shame and Live Life Out Loud, International Award winning speaker and host of the successful Midlife Love Out Loud podcast. Junie has shared the stage with Sheri Winston, John Gray, Sage Lavine and other ground-breaking thought leaders of our time.
Interested in seeing how Junie can support you in experiencing your own Next Level Love?
Is it a Midlife Crisis or a Midlife Awakening?
How I See It…
When women turn 40, something happens.
Some call it a midlife crisis. I call it a midlife awakening.
After giving so much to their families and careers, women realize there is more to life and love…and they want it. The sad thing is, many don’t believe they deserve a higher love or that it’s even possible for them.
It breaks my heart when women convince themselves that their life is fine, just as it is, and give up on Next Level Love.
Because there is another way forward in the second half of life…and that is awakening to your willingness to let yourself have all that you desire, and rather than settling for ‘good enough’ – doing whatever it takes to allow your second half of life to be even richer and fuller than the first half.
What Women Are Saying
Before working with Junie, I was uncomfortable dating and didnt have a lot of confidence. I struggled trusting men. I felt the need to be in control. I now know what was holding me back and where my challenges came from – my controlling father. Working with Junie helped me overcome the relationship and communication patterns I’d developed growing up. This work really opened me up to enjoying life so much more, and realizing that I don’t need to be in control all the time. It’s helped me date with confidence, to know I’m enough and I found out more about myself than any of the therapy work that I experienced (and I’ve done years of therapy!).
Before working with Junie I only let people see certain parts of me and I struggled. I didn’t value myself and hide who I was.
After working with Junie, I realized I wasn’t giving all of who I am. I now realize that I need to be me, to let people in so that I can have a solid foundation for a relationship. I have to be my authentic true self.
Junie, you gave me freedom. Freedom from the restrictions that I placed on myself; freedom to be who I am and not worry how people are going to receive me. If I can be me, then they’ll either take it or leave it.
6 more interesting things about me…..

I’m a professionally trained actress and have worked on films with Barbra Streisand, Woody Allen and Demi Moore.

I howl at the moon every chance I get…really!

I have a 26 year-old son. Being a mom has been my greatest teacher. Certainly the most challenging job on the planet. It continues to make me stronger and continues to bring me to my knees. Surrender…Surrender…Surrender…

I’ve been a Licensed Acupuncturist for over 23 years and still see a few patients.

I dream about having my own show on television where I can help the world love more.

I became a Certified Transformational Coach through Tony Robbins’ official Coach Training School so I could support clients with tools and methods that help clients achieve optimal success more quickly.