What a breakthrough!


Wow, the last several weeks have been amazing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be sharing with hundreds of people (on my teleseminar) what I know about healing and transformation – and to be receiving such great feedback. My heart is singing!

Many of you resonated with my journey and the struggle to find my true voice. You too have experienced the longing to be happier and to be living a more fulfilled life- and all the hard work to achieve it – only to find yourself in pain, continuing to do harmful behaviors like overeating, procrastinating and feeling hopeless.

It sucks when you are not fully expressing yourself and not knowing what to do about it. The good news is there are ways to heal. There are solutions to the never-ending battle of self-sabotage.

For years, I had such a fear of being judged and not being good enough, and that held me back from living fully, authentically and sharing my gifts.

Now look at me! And this isn’t about tooting my own horn, but to say to you transformation is possible! Freedom to express your truest self without fear is possible. To feel the power inside your core and know how awesome you are is possible.

It was a really big deal for me to put my “on-line shingle” out there for all to see and to let people know I am open for business. To step into my truth and show I have something to offer.

That’s not to say I didn’t have some fear. Sure, I felt some trepidation. I am human. The thing is, the fear didn’t paralyze me like the past. I danced with the fear. It didn’t consume me. The fear kept me on my toes, helped me get clear, strong and ready to show up the way I wanted to.

There was a risk that people would judge me. There was a risk that people would not respond. But what was the alternative – to keep myself down and play it small? To be in the paralysis and not do what I love to do which is guide people to their greatness? Not a choice!

I want to invite you to ask yourself, if you don’t embrace who you are and share your gifts, what will your life be like? What is the cost in keeping yourself small and not expressing your truest self? How will you feel? What’s the impact on your soul?

Really take some time to ask yourself these important questions. Great questions lead to amazing answers.

Stay tuned for next week’s topic on RISKS and the dilemma of “what will happen if…”

Live big, live bold, and breathe!

Love, Junie

PS: Let me know what the questions evoke in you with comments below!

PPS: Feel free to share this with your friends so that they can ask some quality questions too!

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