Want a Date for Valentine’s Day? Do This!

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.

Maybe you are wondering why I’m reminding you about this (often dreaded) holiday…

Today, I am sending you a message of encouragement, compassion, and possibility.

My question for you is if you’d like to have a Valentine’s Day date…

👉 What would it take for you to put yourself out into the dating world?

🌈 If you’re out there, what would shift for you if you put yourself out there in a different way?

If you experience fear or feel a yeah right come up for you, I get it! That’s a totally common response and it makes sense.

Love is risky business!

If you’re feeling any fear or hesitation, I encourage you to take some time to dig into the WHY behind what you’re feeling because what I know for sure is fear can be paralyzing.

And, if you want something different you have to do something different.

So in order to move towards feeling more fulfilled in your love life, it is so important to look at what is really keeping you from putting yourself out there.

Be sure to watch this video where I share some concrete tips and resources to understanding your fears and getting you closer to having a date next month!

Sister, I’m a stand for you having the love you truly desire.

The invitation is for you to connect with what it would feel like to have a date for Valentine’s Day – really let yourself feel it.

Ultimately, no matter how you feel about Valentine’s day, you can dedicate this holiday to yourself.

Do something that feels good for you!

So much love to you,

PS. If you’d like to learn more about the internal blocks that are keeping you in fear, I encourage you to start with my book “Loving the Whole Package”. You can get it here.

PPS. Ready for some support? Apply for a complimentary Love Breakthrough Session Here

Are You 40+, Single and Longing for Love?

Join the Find Fabulous Love After 40 Facebook Group with Your Love Coach, Junie Moon. This group is designed to give you both support and new tools to help you call in NEXT LEVEL LOVE!