Mirror, Mirror, on the wall… Take a peek!


I just had to share this moment with you!

I decided to clean my mirror in my bathroom. It didn’t look dirty, but I thought it could use a once over. AMAZING! What I thought was clean certainly was not.

Suddenly, I was seeing so much more clearly.  Made me think about life…how over time, we change – slowly – we don’t notice the change – we think we are the same – thinking the same as always- behaving the same as always…

Then one day, if we’re lucky, we look in a mirror-

Perhaps someone else holds up a mirror – and you realize – something has shifted.

There are new habits you’ve picked up (some good and some not so good).  The ways you take care of yourself, how you feed your body, your exercise regime, your ability to open your heart and keep it open…so many things over time- if you don’t stay awake – you can drift away from yourself.

You shift…

I decided to look a bit deeper into myself… where I am – who I am – in this moment in time – am I in alignment with how I want to be – feel – experience- how I want to show up with others…. an end of the year assessment of my beingness.

As I move toward 2016, I am checking in – looking in – into my life mirror.  Right now, I am so happy about my life – AND there is always more to ponder and tweak…

How about you? What does your mirror show you? Who are you now? How do you want to be? Have you drifted? Are you in alignment with what matters most?

Let me know!!!I wanna know what you are seeing and how you are approaching the rest of your life! Comment below…

I’ll tell you something big, my life has transformed beyond anything I could have imagined, that there are times I don’t even recognize myself! I nourish my body, mind and spirit with such deep love and devotion. I do this because I choose to live life full out, and that means I want abundant health in all arenas.  It’s how I am now. It’s just how I show up each day.

It feels like a lifetime ago I was 200 pounds, emotionally all over the map, being out of control, feeling empty and unfulfilled.

It has been a journey to this point in my life. It did not happen over night, but it did happen. It happened because I felt my pain, and I said, no more! I woke up.

Over time you can drift away from what matters most to you, when you aren’t paying attention, because life got too busy and you just didn’t notice things slipping by you.

There is a choice-  wake up and make new decisions to move you closer to your deepest desires or you can choose to stay where you are, asleep and keep your foggy mirror, a mirror to your life, that you may not know is even dirty, keeping you from the beauty right in front of you.

I invite you to do a life assessment. Why not? You just might find out there is some housecleaning needed AND you will also see how far you have come!!!

Much love, Junie Moon

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