Happy (or not so happy) Mother’s Day

As Mother’s Day approaches,  I’ve been thinking… There are  mothers, perhaps you, who find this day bitter-sweet. Even painful because of a loss of a child or a challenge with your kid.

Maybe you’re not seen for how beautiful you are or how much you have given from your heart and soul.

I offer to you that you are not alone.

Today I found myself feeling sad that I don’t have my son with me to celebrate this weekend. We are estranged.

As I noticed my thoughts of what I don’t have with him, I decided to move my thoughts in a  different direction.  I  changed my focus to the amazing love I have in my heart for my him. I focused on the sweet moments we’ve shared in the past and what an awesome mom I’ve been.

I chose today to focus on my heart and send him my love and felt my gratitude for his existence. Even though he is not in my life right now, he is in my heart always and that can not be taken away.

So,I held my heart, I breathed into that truth and I was filled up.

This Sunday, I will remember it can be a day of happiness and joy and not of loss and despair.

I’m not saying to not feel your sadness or anger or fear or whatever bubbles up in your heart. I just want to offer you another choice. An additional way to connect to your child if you are struggling.

And if you are blessed to be with your child this Sunday,  feel the joy. Love them. AND honor yourself for doing the best you did for them.  I know I made choices I wish I didn’t but at the end of the day, I did it all out of love and wanting him to be ok.

So happy Mother’s Day to you. I honor each and every mother no matter what your circumstances and I hope you  find joy in your heart and celebrate how wonderful you are no matter what is happening.

Much love to you, Junie

PS: If you know of someone who is struggling and you think this message could help, please forward.

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