Do you deserve love?
Yes, of course you do!
The deeper question is do you FEEL you deserve love and are worthy of receiving the love you want?
I invite you to get still for a moment.
Take a deep breath in, exhale, and ask yourself, Do I feel worthy of love?
Now listen honestly to the answer that comes up for you with curiosity instead of judgment. 💕
If your honest answer was no, please know that you are not alone!
Life experiences and the meaning you put towards them have created a sincerely incorrect belief and internal block.
Why? Because your inner self wants to protect you, and it does a great job! (and sometimes overshoots!)
In order to shift the internal dialogue that no longer serves you, you must go inward.
Be sure to watch this video where I share some concrete tips and resources to up-level your self-worth and know your value.
When you know your worth and that you are deserving of love things will shift for you.
Not only will you feel better about yourself, but you will also experience a shift in your dating success because there is an undeniable connection between self-worth and love.
This is THE most important step to finding the love you want and deserve.
So much love to you,
PS. If you’d like to learn more about the internal blocks that are keeping you in fear, I encourage you to start with my book “Loving the Whole Package”. You can get it here.
PPS. Ready for some support? Apply for a complimentary Love Breakthrough Session Here