I just did a session with a client and she was sharing how she needs to move from being a couch potato to getting better in shape because she wants to run a marathon.
It made me think about being an athlete of the heart and the journey from being the couch potato with a lack of boundaries or self-care to standing strong in your life – just like getting into shape to run a marathon, it’s the same thing when it comes to emotions.
Maybe you can relate? And we need to start somewhere…
The first place to start is to realize it’s a journey and you need to take the first step. Again, using the metaphor of a marathon, you can’t just run a 5K full blast if you haven’t practiced. New muscles have to be built and strengthened and your endurance needs to be supported.
It’s the same thing with your emotions.
Check out this recent video: “Dating Success – What it actually takes to have it!
The ability to stand up for yourself and speak your truth is a muscle. The ability to open up vulnerably and share your heart is a muscle.Your ability to know your worth and dream big is a muscle. Your ability to see clearly and make good decisions is a muscle.
If these muscles are weak or have never been used, there’s some conditioning that needs to take place.
Be gentle with yourself and realize that you have to start where you are. It takes time to heal and open. It takes time to build new neural pathways that have you knowing your value and giving you the ability to claim what is your birthright, your worthiness.
Sister, stay the course and know that it’s worth it.
The marathon of your heart is worth it; so what’s one step you can take today that can bring you closer to conditioning your heart?
What’s one thing that you can do today, with gentleness, and clarity, and strength to bring you closer to the woman you desire and deserve to be? 💗
Much love,