Those Darn Voices in my Head!

I just came back from facilitating 31 women at an initiatory weekend called Women in power. Here we looked at and transformed those harmful voices that criticize and keep us down. We listened for those big harmful messages we tell ourselves that keep us small and make us feel scared about being who we are meant to be.

I was in a leadership role but that didn’t mean my voices took a vacation. I found myself also predating upon myself. Who am I to step up and do this work? The other facilitators have many more years experience than I do, maybe I am not good enough.  Those thoughts have caused havoc in my life. Those thoughts have made me feel unworthy and have kept me back.

With shadow work, I hear those words and I am not dragged down. I have tools that pick me up quickly and help me move forward into my power and my mission. Do you have voices that hold you down? Make you feel less than? Keep you from your dreams?


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