Have you ever thought that you might lose your freedom if you start a new relationship?
You might be scared that if you find your special someone, you’ll have to let go of some important aspects in your life like solo time, privacy, girls night out, or fill in the blank_______.
Whatever you’re afraid of losing, I want to tell you, you do NOT have to sacrifice anything that matters to you.
I just did a FB live segment on how to keep what you want and not abandon anything that matters to you in love. Check it out here.
I see it so often women, keeping their love door sealed shut because they are afraid of what might happen if they actually meet Mr. Right.
Great news
If you know what’s important and know it’s a deal-breaker to let it go, you won’t.
What this means is you must get uber clear on what those deal breakers are so you can hold your ground and keep what you want in your life.
So ask yourself, “What are you afraid of losing? What might happen if you couple again?”.
Getting your concerns out in the open helps you stand strong in your vision for your life.
You deserve the love of a lifetime on your terms without giving up the quality of life you desire.
Watch the video and let me know what you think!
Junie Moon