Today I thought about some of the mothers out there. Perhaps you. You may find this day bitter-sweet, perhaps even painful because of a loss of a child or a challenge with your child, maybe you are not seen for how beautiful you are or how much you have given from your heart and soul, I offer to you that you are not alone. AND as I found myself feeling deep sadness of not having my son with me, I noticed my thoughts of what I do not have with him AND then changed my focus to the amazing love I have in my heart for my son. I focused on the sweet moments we have shared in the past and what an awesome mom I have been for him and that love can not be touched even when the present moment seems absent of it. I chose today to focus on my heart and send him my love and my gratitude that though he is not in my life right now, that he is in my heart always and that can not be taken away. and I held my heart, I breathed into that truth and I was filled up. And my mother’s day became one of happiness and joy and not of loss and despair. So happy mother’s day to you. I honor each and every mother no matter what your circumstances are and I hope you can find joy in your heart and celebrate how wonderful you are no matter what is happening.