216: Chafed Thighs & Love: A True Story About Resilience with Junie Moon

Picture this: a hot day, a long challenging hike to a pine forest, and thighs chafing with every step. Sounds tough, right?

But here’s the thing – amidst the discomfort and pain came a huge revelation.

This happened to me when I was a kid and this memory has since served as a powerful reminder that I can persevere through life’s difficult times. I just had to share it with you because you too can go the distance even when it feels difficult and painful.

Junie Moon, CEO of Midlife Love Out Loud, a Global Love Mentor, Best-selling Author, Women’s Empowerment Leader, and Certified Shadow Work Coach, has supported thousands of women over the past 30 years to claim what is their birthright: the freedom to be and love themselves without apology. When women experience this freedom to love themselves without apology, they attract life-long Next Level Love and experience an extraordinary second half of life.

Come to Sedona! Click here to find out about the upcoming ‘Ignite Your Queen’ 3-day Transformational Retreat. https://pages.midlifeloveoutloud.com/sedona

Take the “Discover Your Love Avatar” QUIZ!  You’ll learn about your super power, the love blocks that hold you back and how relationship ready you are. Go to: https://midlifeloveoutloud.com/lovequiz

If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, apply for a complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session here: https://calendly.com/juniemoon/lbtsession today so she can support you on your love path.

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Are You 40+, Single and Longing for Love?

Join the Find Fabulous Love After 40 Facebook Group with Your Love Coach, Junie Moon. This group is designed to give you both support and new tools to help you call in NEXT LEVEL LOVE!