Getting your ducks in a row when it comes to your finances is also an important part of feeling secure within yourself when on the dating scene. When it comes to the psychology of money, just like love, the biggest obstacle is fear. So just like love, your mindset impacts your financial well-being. Is there a connection?
Sarry Ibrahim is a financial specialist, private money lender, real estate investor and member of the Bank On Yourself Organization. He helps business owners, real estate investors, and full time employees grow safe and predictable wealth regardless of market conditions using a financial strategy that has been around for over 160 years. Sarry started this journey when he was in grad school completing his MBA. He worked for companies like Allstate, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna Healthspring, and Humana before founding Financial Asset Protection, a financial services firm that focuses on one sole concept; the Bank On Yourself ® concept.
Free “Thinking Like a Bank” ebook. Learn to think like a bank by downloading a free copy HERE
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