117: 3 -Powerful Practices to put JOY in the Driver’s Seat with Suzy Carroll

Overwhelm is a thing! Women have been taught to be everything for everyone and they “should” on themselves on a regular basis. This is horrible for our adrenals not to mention having time and energy for our love life.

Suzy Carroll has created a movement called Sacred Selfishness: The Practice of Prioritizing Self and she teaches how to shift from being led by outside influences to leading with JOY. 

Suzy, a mentor coach to women over 40 , is an irreverent  champion of women breaking free of how society says they “should” be. Suzy teaches what she had to learn herself.

Based in a small town on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, she interviewed women from all over the world to curate her body of work. The data from these interviews sparked the creation of a movement called: Sacred Selfishness: The Practice of Prioritizing Self.

Constantly evolving, Suzy has developed various frameworks in support of saying “yes” to yourself and “no” to how society says you “should be.” After years mentoring women, she recognized that the most prevalent and powerful outcome for clients (and herself) was shifting from being led by outside influences to leading with JOY.

  In 2019, Suzy distilled her most potent teachings and created her signature mentoring system for women in business, leadership, and life transition called EMERGE INTO JOY: Say “goodbye” to what no longer serves you and “hello” to what does!

Grab her FREE gift- Three Powerful Practices for putting JOY in the Driver’s Seat

Rekindle energy, call in ease, gain clarity, confidence, and time for what’s most important to you.

Want to stop going on sucky dates? Grab your MIDLIFE LOVE GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL DATING and learn how you can call in Mr. Right, right now! 

If you’d like some one-to-one coaching with Junie, grab your complimentary 30-minute Love Breakthrough Session today so she can support you on your love path.

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