47: How to Thrive After Infidelity with C.J. Grace

C. J. Grace is the author of Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not and when Arianna Huffington received a copy, she invited the author to be a Huffington Post contributor. C. J. is currently completing Hotel Chemo: My Wild Ride through Breast Cancer and Infidelity. She dealt with the double whammy of discovering her husband’s infidelity and shortly after being diagnosed with breast cancer by refusing to be a victim and keeping her wicked sense of humor. C. J. was a BBC journalist and voice over artist in the UK and later worked for China Radio International in Beijing, where she met her husband and moved to the United States. Now divorced, C. J. insists that the obstacles she’s faced have enabled her to make midlife better than her younger days.

For C. J.’s free mini eBook, Overcoming Infidelity: Tools to Tame the Roller Coaster of Negative Emotions visit http://eepurl.com/c8ifc9

To learn more go to: adultererswife.com

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