20: Kai Cole: How To Use Tarot To Open Your Heart & Write Your New Love Story

Kaí (pronounced Ky – ee) has been faithfully offering tarot readings for a number of years to those who wish to learn, grow and expand their awareness by taking a deep dive into the hidden facets of their life’s journey. She is also the featured star of the music video “Bodak Tarot,”  intended to be a catalyst for global healing and a means to pierce the long-standing barriers between spirituality and cultural norms. Not only is Kaí well-versed in conscious practices (2018 speaker at Harvard Medical Conference on Consciousness & Kinetics) but she always carries her tarot cards and is willing to give a detailed reading on the spot. 

Grab your FREE 3 card reading here 

To learn more about Kai, go to https://www.ourdailymagic.com/

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