(YOUR RESULTS ARE Headed to your inbox RIGHT NOW)
Step One
Watch the video to learn how to activate your relationship readiness.
Step Two
Next step to take your dating and love life to the next level!
Learn How to Break Through Fear and Invite Next Level Love
Step Three
Grab your Readiness Report in your inbox to uplevel your love life.
Step One
Watch the video to learn how to activate your relationship readiness.
Step Two
Next step to take your dating and love life to the next level!
Learn How to Break Through Fear and Invite Next Level Love
Step Three
Grab your Readiness Report in your inbox to uplevel your love life.

Empress, your superpower is your honesty and that bodes well for you in love! You desire partnership and you know there are places for you to improve. The challenge is that you have some blindspots (everyone does) and they can hold you back. These can create fear which influences your Relationship Readiness. You must shine a light on these blind spots so that you can stay true to yourself. Go to your inbox for the full report and learn more about upleveling your Relationship Readiness.
You’ve got this!
(Now that you know your Love Avatar, it’s time to uncover the blindspots that sabotage you. To truly experience a happy, healthy and harmonious partnership, you must shine a light on your love shadows so you can call in Next level Love consciously. Join us for the upcoming training – it’s a Love-A-Thon!)

What Women Are Saying
Before working with Junie, I was uncomfortable dating and didnt have a lot of confidence. I struggled trusting men. I felt the need to be in control. I now know what was holding me back and where my challenges came from – my controlling father. Working with Junie helped me overcome the relationship and communication patterns I’d developed growing up. This work really opened me up to enjoying life so much more, and realizing that I don’t need to be in control all the time. It’s helped me date with confidence, to know I’m enough and I found out more about myself than any of the therapy work that I experienced (and I’ve done years of therapy!).
Before working with Junie I only let people see certain parts of me and I struggled. I didn’t value myself and hide who I was.
After working with Junie, I realized I wasn’t giving all of who I am. I now realize that I need to be me, to let people in so that I can have a solid foundation for a relationship. I have to be my authentic true self.
Junie, you gave me freedom. Freedom from the restrictions that I placed on myself; freedom to be who I am and not worry how people are going to receive me. If I can be me, then they’ll either take it or leave it.